
Letters to the Editor

Is an unbiased media too much to ask?

To the editor: On Oct. 8, the Marshall Independent published an article from the Associated Press, written by Josh Boak. However, the title was changed from the original headline, which read: “New analysis suggests national debt could increase under Harris, but it would surge under ...

Liars make lousy leaders

To the editor: The COVID pandemic tested Donald Trump’s leadership. He failed. He mocked masking and social distancing. He suggested ingesting bleach and inappropriate medicines as COVID treatments. Scientific American reported that during Trump’s term, “COVID-19 mortality in the U.S. ...

Students indoctrinated with evolution fantasy

To the editor: The 9-13-2024 “What’s wrong with American schools?” by Laura Hollis, rightly implies that “Declining academic performance, shrinking numbers of Americans qualified to enter technical fields, violence and truancy” problems need to be fixed. But it doesn’t mention the ...

Swedzinski earns support of Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association

To the editor: The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association, the largest public safety association in Minnesota, is proud to endorse Rep. Chris Swedzinski. He is a tremendous supporter of increased public safety for everyone, and supports local law enforcement officers and the ...

Trump tariffs impact on agriculture

To the editor: According to an article in the Business Section of the Oct. 3 Star-Tribune, North Dakota State University (NDSU) analyzed the direct impact of Donald Trump’s tariff proposals and found they would be devastating for Midwestern farmers. If his tariffs target China (as he has ...

Difficult election for voters

To the editor: “How many voters will sit out this election because of a one issue point of view that is not perfectly aligned with what they want?” This question was the topic of a recent Public Forum article headed, “Don’t let single issues prevent unity.” The writer ...