
Community Voices

The mask

Getting lined up for cancer treatment involves approximately as many people and resources as it took to build the Saturn V rocket. My initial day at the cancer center was a learning experience. Among the first things they requested was permission to take my photo. “Is that really ...

Assassination attempt leads everyone toward shock and sadness

Every once in a blue moon something happens in the world that shocks people, enough so that they remember what they were doing when they first heard the news. I had that situation last Sunday after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It started out as a typical ...

A fun summer Saturday

If you can’t find something fun to do on a summer Saturday you probably aren’t trying. A good example would be how I spent a recent July Saturday. The Brookings Summer Arts Festival took place just a dozen miles from our house. But I opted to kick off the day with a combination of ...

Vietnam War – Gordon Labat — farming, the draft, and Army basic training

We have begun learning about Gordon Labat who was born in Marshall in 1947, Minnesota to Emerence “Rose” (DeVos) and Henry Labat. Gordon and his siblings grew up on the family farm just east of Marshall. The Labat’s sent their kids to Holy Redeemer School. Gordon continued his ...

Former teachers who’ve passed away bring back memories

I received some sad news on Wednesday. A type of news I’ve been getting more often in the past several years. One of my social studies teachers, Gary Grabau, died earlier in the week. My source, a friend I’ve known since my undergraduate days at Southwest Minnesota State University, heard ...

On the Porch

The social news or gossip columns in the old newspapers are always fascinating to read. A special section in the newspaper was devoted to the social media of the day. The whereabouts of local people and events were often featured in these columns. Here are a few from The News Messenger of Lyon ...