
Community Voices

Addicted to humor

In June, I went to certify my acres at the Farm Service Agency. It’s an annual task after planting. As I drove to town, a foreboding line of dark clouds hung over Sleepy Eye, like a wall cloud on steroids. As I stepped into the office, you could see the blackening sky out the north windows. ...

A shipshape shop

I have never been accused of being a neatnik — my desk resembles the aftermath of a tornado — but I have lately found great pleasure in tidying things up. A good example would be my newly rebuilt old farm shop. It has taken more than a year, but I’ve finally gotten the shop to the point ...

Beat the rush for back-to-school health visits

Talk of early bedtimes and back-to-school clothes — no kid wants to hear that in July. But now’s the time to begin looking toward this busy season when it comes to your family’s health care. Back-to-school checkups Now’s the time to schedule back-to-school preventive checkups, ...

Water conservation remains important even in a wet year

It often surprises people that in our region water is a limited resource, something that needs to be conserved. We’re part of Minnesota. It’s known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes and the Land of Sky Blue Waters. It creates a perception that water is abundant all throughout the state. Our ...

Oh, fiddlesticks to technology

Editor’s Note: Independent columnist Ted Rowe died on Sunday. Rowe wrote a weekly column for the Independent starting in 2011. In his memory here is his column that was published on Feb. 21, 2018. Have you ever wanted to “Stop the World – I want to Get Off”? Whenever I get to this ...