

Books and Beyond

Local Columns

“The Four Winds” by Kristin Hannah was discussed by members attending the Cottonwood Book Club the evening of July 1. It’s a 448-page book. Much of the book takes place during the depression in the 1930s. I shared with the group that the first few years of my parents’ marriage took ...

Promoting biofuels good for environment and MN farmers


Two recent announcements involving biofuels are important developments for the Minnesota agriculture industry and the environment. We join the Minnesota Biodiesel Council in applauding the recent letter sent to the Environmental Protection Agency by members of Congress, including Michelle ...


Local Columns

This day and age, we trade a screen at home or in the office for one in the boat. I’d argue the latter is an upgrade, as the only incoming media an angler gets bombarded by on a sonar is report of what’s below or off to the side of the watercraft. The only visceral reaction and dopamine ...

No matter how many times

Local Columns

I am always continually amazed. What amazes me is this — no matter how many times I experience something, there’s always something in it that recaptures my attention. Perhaps it’s because one sees, hears or tastes something that was not seen, heard or tasted before within that same ...

The mask

Community Voices

Getting lined up for cancer treatment involves approximately as many people and resources as it took to build the Saturn V rocket. My initial day at the cancer center was a learning experience. Among the first things they requested was permission to take my photo. “Is that really ...