
Letters to the Editor

Energy independence will be easy

To the editor: In his acceptance speech at the RNC, Donald Trump provided a stream of conscious description of the world as he wishes it was but not the world as it is. Repeating themes from his campaign rallies, he made up the story as he went along. Countries are not sending inmates to ...

Save Social Security

To the editor: A reaction letter was published on July 3 in response to my letter of June 20. I was touched by the lifetime of triumphs and tribulations described by the author. My sympathy goes out to him for his health struggles, particularly waiting so long to receive the disability ...

Propaganda and the presidency

To the editor: “It is now apparent that the DNC will push its narrative over facts, regardless of the state of its candidate, whether he is healthy or not. What’s worse is the paid press that claims to be independent but repeats the company line. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and MS-NBC all follow ...

Save our democracy

To the editor: Today, July 1st, 2024, six Supreme Court Justices sold out our country paving the way for a dictatorship. Why would they do that!?! If you don’t want a dictator for president you must vote for the only other party that has a chance to win whether you like their policies or ...

Biden saved economy? You live in a bubble

To the editor: (Reply to Biden saves the economy, June 20) Unlike college math teachers who earn a good income, some of us have to survive on a more limited income. The oil reserve was sold to China, not the U.S. market, so it didn’t help the price of oil in the US that much. If we have to ...

Repeating history?

To the editor: With the Fourth of July approaching, we would be wise to take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and read (or reread) the Declaration of Independence and ponder how much the concerns and principles that are written in that document, apply, for good or bad, 248 years later. It ...