
Letters to the Editor

Democrats breaking rules to hold onto power

To the editor: The Democrats are not only defending State Senator Nicole Mitchell arrested for the criminal act of burglary but are disregarding that criminal act by allowing her to continue to maintain her seat in the senate in order to keep their one seat majority (34 D’s - 33 R’s). ...

Trump’s actions finally catching up to him

To the editor: We currently have two very different versions of the news in the U.S., and the Republican rhetoric has many things about Biden and Trump flipped around. For example, people were surprised when they heard President Biden’s State of the Union speech —and no, he wasn’t ...

Biden allies stay loyal — Trump allies flee

To the editor: Few ordinary voters know Presidential candidates personally. To assess their character and leadership skills, we depend on those who actually know them. Using Google, I searched for “former Biden allies who don’t like Biden”. The first page of search results listed ...

Socialism destroying American work ethic

To the Editor: I have, at times, found myself in agreement with things Jim Muchlinski chooses to write about in his editorials. However, in his rambling May 16 editorial, he attacks conservatives and capitalism for the hyper inflation and other problems Americans currently face. He ...

Profits driving drive to exceed mandates

To the editor: The 1-25-2024 Independent headlined: “Swedzinski: Xcel lines should not be built”. He said: “I think Xcel is making a mistake shutting down the coal-fired plants,” and “Give us more than just two choices. Give us a third, to just say no.” The meeting expressed ...

Democrats abusing constitutional authority

To the editor: The Marxist Democrats are, at any cost, destroying our country. They are attacking our Constitution by “infringing” on every individual God given right guaranteed and protected by our Constitution. You don’t have to look very hard to see that. They are abusing their ...