
Letters to the Editor

A train wreck inside the White House

To the editor: The Trump/Biden debate showed millions of voters what the mainstream media has been covering up for the last four years. From Biden’s first responses it was evident that he should not be in charge of the nuclear codes, let alone be in charge of anything. I am sure that a ...

A clear choice for Americas on Nov. 5

To the editor: We, as a nation, are being transformed into a non-constitutional communistic society. Nearly every firewall of limitations set forth in the Constitution have been breached. Our God given “individual” rights that were outlined and protected by the Constitution have been ...

Biden saved the economy

To the editor: Democratic presidents are often forced to clean up economic messes left by Republican presidents. The EPI has found, “Since 1949, there has been a Democratic advantage in … key … indicators measuring economic health, including:” GDP, job growth, unemployment rate, ...

Compare Trump, Biden policies

To the editor: In a recent letter by Sherwin Skar (June 7) that spent several paragraphs spouting all sorts of accusations in an effort to trash President Trump failed to mention any successful policies of the current administration which Sherwin Skar seems to be more enamored with. ...

Abortion kills as desire deceives contracepting and commodifying

To the editor: Today in this society centered in desire there is sold a solution to cure us from the ailment of the undesired even at the cost of life. Thus, a culture of death has ushered in since society rejected the wisdom found in Humanae Vitae half a century and half a decade ago. ...

Trump on the wrong side of the law

To the editor: Before he was elected President, “Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases …,” more by far than comparable business magnates — this according to Wikipedia. Between 1991 and 2009, six of Trump’s hotels and casinos went bankrupt. In ...