

First Amendment, hate speech, and the press

Letters to the Editor

To the editor: In last month’s responses to the Letter to the Editor, “Why publish the hate speech?”, Mr. Yorde and Ms. Madetzke were both quick to bring up the 1st Amendment. Mr. Yorde even quoted it in his response: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...


Local Columns

I remember running through our front yard waving my mini baton to make them. What was I making? Bubbles!! We didn’t get to make them often, but, when we did, there were squeals of laughter mixed with joyous yells. Now I ask myself why do bubbles interest us so much? You answer that question ...

Five tips to finish out

Local Columns

Late summer brings with it fast fishing, but it can provide challenging conditions as well. Gearing up for the home stretch of the season and the start of fall, which produces some of the biggest and fastest bites of the year, requires anglers to rethink some strategies, remain persistent on ...

A turkey encounter

Community Voices

My mind has been in the gutter lately. It began when I was mowing the lawn. While trimming beneath the eaves of our house, something dripped onto the back of my neck. I immediately looked skyward, suspecting that I had been bombed by one of the many barn swallows that have made our barn their ...

Media silent on Biden family

Letters to the Editor

To the editor: This is my opinion. The political cartoon in Tuesday’s (Aug. 1) paper was right on. News medial obsessed with the non-stop, 24x7 questionable indictments on President Trump vs almost total silence on the Biden crime family. Here is an up to date synopsis of the news for ...

Inflation takes a bite out of everyone’s income

Community Voices

If there’s one thing we all know about inflation, it’s that it greatly affects our bottom line. Everything costs more. Money doesn’t buy as much as it did before. There’s a need to be economical, to make do with less. The worst thing abut inflation is that it involves essentials as ...