
Local Columns

What is fine wine?

It’s interesting how often we say something that doesn’t reflect how we really feel. For instance... When you’ve been asked how things are going, how many times have you replied, “Oh, I’m fine!”? If you’re anything like me, that reply is just a reactive statement that does not ...

A college chapbook

A lady named Marla, who lives at Cherokee, Iowa recently mailed me an antique artifact. I know that it’s antique because it’s a little bit older than me. The relic in question is a chapbook that was published by Iowa State College in September of 1954. The 70-year-old booklet contains a ...

2.4 billion Easter people can spread a lot of love

Easter is unique among holidays in that it skips around on the calendar. It depends on the vernal equinox and a full moon. Regardless, it comes in spring. Which is perfect. New life, resurrection, birth, greening of nature: all of a piece. There was one Easter morning in history. But we ...

Rotary essay contest leads to benefits for sixth graders

Last week I had a volunteer opportunity, one that was well suited to my work with the printed word. I helped to judge the local Rotary International essay contest for sixth graders from Marshall Middle School. I’ve judged it several times in the past five years, and each time I’ve been ...

The Vietnam War – Mike Lamfers – back to the DMZ

We have been learning about Mike Lamfers, who grew up on a farm east of Amiret and served with the Marines in Vietnam. He enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating from Tracy High School in 1965. Mike completed his Marine Corps training and deployed to Vietnam in October 1966 as a ground ...