
Local Columns

Myths about hospice and palliative care

Hospice isn’t a place. And hospice care is not just about those who are dying. Hospice is a comprehensive kind of care that focuses on living — it’s about living as fully as possible, surrounded by family and friends, up until the end of life. Palliative care brings this special ...

Keeping kids safe online

Recently, the U.S. Surgeon General released a report warning about the negative impacts of social media on children’s mental health, saying that it presents a profound risk of harm. The advisory also urged social media companies to help parents with the burden of managing the effects of ...

Father’s Day

The headlights bore a tunnel through the infinite blackness as you pilot the family sedan on the lonesome nighttime highway. It has finally gone quiet in the backseat. A glance over your shoulder confirms your suspicion: your two young sons have fallen asleep. Your wife, who is in the ...

Fly fishing not all about trout

With the heat of summer finally settling into the region, those cold-water loving trout which were stocked in area lakes and reservoirs are seeking out the depths, and aside from some cooler hours in the morning and evening, are a bit tougher to target on the fly rod and likely will remain that ...

It brings on a smile

At the end of the day, have you ever mentally reviewed your day, and spotted the smiles within your day? If you haven’t done that day’s end mulling, I encourage you to do it. You’ll be surprised at how many smiles you’ve seen and given, and some you didn’t even notice until you ...

Single dads

A friend recently drew my attention to an article that both confirmed some things I already suspected, and astounded me with information I’d never have guessed. My friend is like myself, a single dad. Only his son is now grown and moved out. My son is grown and beginning to navigate the ...