
Local Columns

A shipshape shop

I have never been accused of being a neatnik — my desk resembles the aftermath of a tornado — but I have lately found great pleasure in tidying things up. A good example would be my newly rebuilt old farm shop. It has taken more than a year, but I’ve finally gotten the shop to the point ...

The Vietnam War – Gordon Labat – Beginning on a Marshall farm

Gordon Labat was born in January 1947 in Marshall, the third of 12 children born to Emerence “Rose” (DeVos) and Henry Labat. Gordon and his siblings grew up on the family farm on land bounded on the west by Highway 23 and on the south by Highway 19, just east of Marshall. The land they ...

Beat the rush for back-to-school health visits

Talk of early bedtimes and back-to-school clothes — no kid wants to hear that in July. But now’s the time to begin looking toward this busy season when it comes to your family’s health care. Back-to-school checkups Now’s the time to schedule back-to-school preventive checkups, ...

Water conservation remains important even in a wet year

It often surprises people that in our region water is a limited resource, something that needs to be conserved. We’re part of Minnesota. It’s known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes and the Land of Sky Blue Waters. It creates a perception that water is abundant all throughout the state. Our ...

On the Porch

According to John Radzilowski in his book, “Prairie Town: A History of Marshall, Minnesota 1872-1997,” “The second most talked about holiday after Christmas, at least in the early days, was the Fourth of July.” The communities in Lyon County pulled out all the stops to attract as many ...

How a trust could help you efficiently transfer wealth to your heirs

Talking with clients about the legacy they wish to leave behind is an essential part of my job as a financial adviser. How do they want to share their wealth with loved ones and charities that matter to them? What values do they want to pass down and what financial goals do they want to support ...