
Local Columns

On the Porch

The social news or gossip columns in the old newspapers are always fascinating to read. A special section in the newspaper was devoted to the social media of the day. The whereabouts of local people and events were often featured in these columns. Here are a few from The News Messenger of Lyon ...

Vietnam War – Gordon Labat — farming, the draft, and Army basic training

We have begun learning about Gordon Labat who was born in Marshall in 1947, Minnesota to Emerence “Rose” (DeVos) and Henry Labat. Gordon and his siblings grew up on the family farm just east of Marshall. The Labat’s sent their kids to Holy Redeemer School. Gordon continued his ...

Former teachers who’ve passed away bring back memories

I received some sad news on Wednesday. A type of news I’ve been getting more often in the past several years. One of my social studies teachers, Gary Grabau, died earlier in the week. My source, a friend I’ve known since my undergraduate days at Southwest Minnesota State University, heard ...

Addicted to humor

In June, I went to certify my acres at the Farm Service Agency. It’s an annual task after planting. As I drove to town, a foreboding line of dark clouds hung over Sleepy Eye, like a wall cloud on steroids. As I stepped into the office, you could see the blackening sky out the north windows. ...

On the surface

My first boat was a canoe that my dad purchased when I was young — or perhaps even before I was born, I can’t quite recall. I do remember it nearly fell from the top of our minivan going to the lake while driving on the interstate and I only recollect using it once as a kid, sitting ...

What difference does it make

What difference does it make? Well, based on a few years of experience, it makes a heck of a lot of difference! We all make a myriad of choices on our paths through life. For every choice, there is usually an option, and it’s how we handle that option that makes all the difference in the ...