
Fun with recycling

Photo courtesy of Veronica Bitter

Children in the Marshall 4 Head Start classroom discovered a fun way to recycle items from around their homes by turning them into a baking soda volcano.

Head Start teacher Veronica Bitter said the class has been learning about recycling.

“We asked the children to bring things from home that they recycle. We asked them if there was anything we could make at school with our recycled items,” Bitter said. “This week we used some of our recycling, such as an empty water bottle and newspapers, to make a papier-mache volcano.”

The class made a sticky paste of water and flour to help wrap paper around the outside of the bottle to form the volcano. Then they painted the outside.

“Once the baking soda was in the bottle, we added vinegar and watched it erupt,” Bitter said. “We mixed many different colors together such as red and yellow, blue and red, blue and yellow to make different colored lava.”

The children who helped with the volcano project include Aubree, Raelynn, Emilia, Moo Eh, Izayah, Lee Jr., K’Von, Sebastian, and Lukas, Bitter said.


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