
Living history at Holy Redeemer School

A total of 32 fifth grade students at Holy Redeemer School became historical figures for a Biographical Wax Museum on Thursday morning. Ellie Dorschner played the part of ballerina Anna Pavlova.

MARSHALL — Students at Holy Redeemer School shared some living history on Thursday, as fifth graders held a Biographical Wax Museum. A total of 32 fifth grade students each researched a historical figure, and completed projects about their lives.

“It was a multi-step project filled with deadlines, outlines, checklists, organization and a lot of work done inside the classroom,” said Holy Redeemer School fifth grade teacher Zach Coquyt.

First, students needed to choose a historical figure to research. Their person needed to be no longer living, and had to have made a significant contribution to society in a positive way, Coquyt said.

Students each wrote a five-paragraph essay about their selected historical figure. The essays talked about the person’s early life, their accomplishments, what they were known for, and how they impacted society. Students also created posters about their historical figures, and prepared short speeches to recite during the wax museum event.

A fun part of the students’ presentations was dressing up as historical figures. Students worked on their costumes at home, with the help of parents and guardians.

“The recommendations for the costumes were to spend as little money as possible, be creative, and have fun,” Coquyt said. “The kids always get a kick out of seeing one another dressed up in funny or unusual costumes.”


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