

‘We remember’

Kendra Wies read the name of a victim of domestic abuse. “Gennie Marie Kingbird” “We remember” was the response from the crowd of 30 people inside the Marshall-Lyon County Library. Kingbird died in a hospital in Red Lake in 2019. Her husband contacted police and led them to his ...

100 years providing insurance

Minnesota’s largest farm insurance provider, North Star Mutual, is celebrating a century of insurance service in 2020. Feb. 15 marked the 100th anniversary of North Star Mutual Insurance Company, a policyholder owned property-casualty insurance carrier serving the Midwest. The company was ...

Air-tight business

Back in 1978, Minneota’s Yvonne Sontag thought Tupperware sounded like a good opportunity to earn extra income. Forty-two years later, she’s still selling Tupperware. She takes part in about one Tupperware party a week on average, and also shows her products at the Lyon County Fair and ...

Finding peace in Rome

Deacon Shawn Polman is back in Minnesota now, but maybe his spirit is still in Rome. Polman, the son of Ronald and Jean Polman of Cottonwood and 2012 graduate of Lakeview Public School, spent the month of January in Rome as part of a class of 13 deacons who are set to be ordained to the ...

Working with wood

Marshall area retirees aren’t just whittling away their time — they are creating wooden toys and household items such as picture frames and cutting boards. The toys, such as checkerboards and lawn dice, will get collected and stored until the middle of December. That’s the time Lyon ...

Taking care of the city’s turf

Marshall is his home and he is proud of his part in keeping the city beautiful and well-maintained. “I always like it when someone mentions the parks in Marshall or how clean it is,” Parks Superintendent Preston Stensrud said. “I like giving back. I was born and raised in Marshall and I ...