
PREP STATE WRESTLING: Minneota’s Esping wins state title

Photo by Brennen Rupp Minneota's Trent Esping wrestles against Canby's Josh Hansen in the semifinals during the state tournament at the Xcel Energy Center Saturday. Esping went on to win the 285-weight class individual title in a 3-1 overtime win.

ST. PAUL – The 2017 Minnesota state wrestling tournament has come and gone, with seven area wrestlers placing in their respective weight classes, including a state champion. Minneota’s Trent Esping captured the state title in the 285-weight class by defeating Bradley Berg of Barnesville by decision (3-1) in overtime.

For Esping, winning a state title means that all his hard work during the season and offseason paid off.

“To me it means that anything is possible,” Esping said. “Hard work really does pay off in the long run. As long as you believe in yourself you can do anything.”

Esping got to the championship match by defeating Canby’s Josh Hansen in the semifinals by decision (11-3). Hansen won the fifth place match by fall.

Esping was just one of five Vikings to place in their respective weight classes. As a team, the Vikings placed second in the individual portion of the state tournament.

Alec Bueltel placed third in the 182-weight class. Bueltel lost his semifinal match by sudden victory (3-1). He won his consolation semifinal match by decision (11-4). He won the third place match by decision (5-4).

Brendan Reiss also lost his semifinal match in the 132-weight class by sudden victory (6-4). Reiss won the consolation semifinal by decision (6-0). Reiss then lost the third place match by decision (9-2) to finish fourth for Minneota.

Brant Buysse also placed fourth in the 113-weight class. Buysse lost his semifinal match by decision (6-2). He then won the consolation semifinal match by decision (3-0). He then lost the third place match by decision (3-2) to place fourth.

Austin DeVlaeminck placed fifth in the 138-weight class for the Vikings. DeVlaeminck won the fifth place match by decision (5-2).

For United, Peyton Mortenson placed sixth in the 152-weight class. Mortenson started the second day off by losing to eventual state champion, Anthony Jackson in the semifinals by decision (9-3). Mortenson then lost his next match by decision (10-3). He wrapped up the state tournament by losing the fifth place match by decision (8-0).


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