
Vote at 100% on Nov. 5

To the editor:

A letter to the editor dated July 23 by Sherwin Skar read like something out of fairy tail or an MSNBC talking head. The only thing that was correct in the entire letter was the spelling of the words. The statements made by those words were an affront to something known as truth.

Everyone that was alive during the four years of the Trump Administration experienced the benefits of the tax reductions, lower energy costs, lower food costs, secured retirement benefits, secure borders, a more peaceful world and overall stability.

We had a good feeling about the future for ourselves, our families and our country. We were experiencing more of what our Founders provided in our Constitution where citizens are free and the government was limited and not following a centralized power mongering socialistic, Marxist, top down, dictatorial philosophy of forcing citizens to live as though we were subjects of a ruler.

The last three and a half years has shown and we have experienced the stark difference between what was and what now is. Without a doubt, we were better off under the Trump Administration than we are presently under the Biden Administration.

Nov. 5 will be the most important election in our lifetime. We the people will make the choice of continuing down the path of destroying our country or retaining our Constitutional republic. The people we choose to cast our vote for will determine that outcome. Research the people that are going to responsible for protecting the rights of the people and then make sure we follow up and insure ourselves that is exactly what they do.

The most important thing a citizen can still do is vote. So, if you are eligible to vote, exercise that privilege and vote. Not at the pathetic level of 55 to 60% as in the past, but 100%.

Roger Baumann



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