
Biden saved economy? You live in a bubble

To the editor:

(Reply to Biden saves the economy, June 20) Unlike college math teachers who earn a good income, some of us have to survive on a more limited income. The oil reserve was sold to China, not the U.S. market, so it didn’t help the price of oil in the US that much. If we have to replace it, we may be in a World War soon.

In terms of jobs, most of the jobs created in the last year were either government jobs, jobs for criminal aliens, or, worst of all, part-time. People whose hours were cut back have to take a low-wage part-time job and now work two jobs. What about the 10,000 jobs lost in California due to the fast-food wage hike to $20 an hour?

As for interest rates, I guess you haven’t checked your credit card statement; they are now at 35 percent. As for things that happen after a president leaves office, it normally takes a year or two after the new person takes office to have an impact on the economy.

But what do I know? I have an associate of applied science (AAS) in construction electrician, an AAS in computer support, and a Bachelor of Arts (degree) in History. I’ve published a paper in History. Note that I had to change jobs a lot due to health issues. In one month, I lost 65 pounds in weight. It was only about 20 years later that I found out it was due to kidney problems. It was finally fixed with a kidney transplant, but it left me on disability. My retirement was gone in the first two years waiting for disability. It wasn’t until the third year of waiting that it was approved. Could you pay rent and buy food on what I get?

The fast-food business is dying — have you noticed Taco John’s is gone? It’s apparent you live in a bubble. In a recent YouTube video, a Walmart shopper compared bills for the same items he got two years earlier, and the prices went up four times the amount.

Paul Vanmeveren



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