
VanKeulen, Haukom

Haley VanKeulen and CJ Haukom announce their engagement.

Parents of the couple are Pat and Karen VanKeulen of Marshall and Jeff and Pam Haukom of Marshall.

VanKeulen is a 2012 graduate of Marshall High School and a 2016 graduate of North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND with a degree in Nursing. She is currently employed at Alomere Health in Alexandria, MN.

Haukom is a 2011 graduate of Marshall High School and a 2015 graduate of Augustana University in Sioux Falls, SD with a degree in Accounting. He is currently employed at Clifton Larson Allen in Alexandria, MN. The couple plans an Aug. 14, 2021 wedding in Marshall. They will reside in the Alexandria, MN area.


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