

Big lies and little lies

Dear Annie: My husband and I have been in a relationship for nine years. In that time, we’ve had multiple circumstances that broke my trust with him. He would report to his Marine base once a month (as a reservist), get drunk at night and flirt with girls online constantly; he tried kissing a ...

Peeling off those pesky price tags

Dear Heloise: I know you’re a proponent of vinegar’s many uses. I discovered another yesterday: Spray vinegar onto price tags that are stuck on glass or ceramics. Let it sit for a while, then scrape off. My fingernails are thrilled! No more scrape, scrape, scraping! Cheers. -- Denise ...

Here’s a quick sandwich for kids

Dear Heloise: Some kids like toasted cheese sandwiches, but they usually need an adult to make them. Well, not anymore! All they have to do is toast a couple slices of bread and put lots of grated cheese (or a couple of slices of cheese) between the two toasted pieces of bread. They can place ...

How to tell neighbors I want to be left alone

Dear Annie: I have been widowed for 1 1/2 years. I have well-meaning neighbors who want to include me in many social activities -- dinners out, movies, parties and meals at their homes. The problem is that I am an introvert and have never enjoyed parties, movies or most social activities. I ...

Regional Calendar

The Independent calendar lists upcoming meetings, facility hours and events in and around Marshall. To have your group’s events listed, email the information to news@marshallindependent.com or submit the information to our virtual newsroom. Today Household Hazardous Waste Facility, open 8 ...