
Teaching kids how to spring-clean

Dear Heloise: Every year about this time, I do some spring-cleaning. My teenage kids (I have three children) usually help me. We clean every closet, toss out junk and donate things that others can use.

Many of my friends are surprised that my children help me, but I started doing this with them at the age of 5. I had them cleaning their rooms, helping me change their sheets and organizing their toys. They had to keep their shoes lined up, and dirty clothes were put in their hampers. We did this every Saturday morning, and usually by noon, they were free to go out and play. Since this was a weekly task, they knew that spring-cleaning would be a little more in depth.

It was because of this that they now hate clutter and dirty rooms. They take care of their clothes and their possessions, and they take pride in their schoolwork.

Am I a “tiger mom”? Maybe, but none of my children smokes or uses drugs. All are on their school’s honor roll and always found summer jobs to help pay for their future college education.

I’m a devoted believer that making children do chores has a profound affect in training them to take pride in where and how they live. It also helps them take responsibility for their lives. — Elaine T., Burlington, Wisconsin


Dear Readers: It’s so easy to get distracted on a beautiful, sunny day in spring, but remember to keep your eyes on the road. And make sure to pull over if you get sleepy. — Heloise

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