
Now is the time

At 5 a.m. every day, a voice would come floating up the stairs; “Ronnie, it’s time to get up.”

That was my father’s voice telling me it was time to get up and do the morning chores. Some days it was difficult to heed those words, and on other days, I got up and got busy. No matter how I felt, it was time to do something and I did it. The day had begun.

As life progressed, I often thought about a chapter in the Bible that reminded us how there is a season for everything. That passage kept telling me a story. It was a story to pay attention to the passage of life because time is fleeting.

So, I’ve tried to more fully understand that message when good and bad things happen to me.

Recently, a “voice” was telling me to have a taste of Sangiovese; “Ronnie, it’s time to taste that wine.” Utilizing my early years learned behavior, I got a bottle of it and sipped the very flavorful Italian wine. My bottle of Salto Sangiovese was filled with vibrant cherry and herbal flavors. Yep, it was perfect timing!

I like the idea of there being a time for everything. That means our lives are an open book with ongoing chapters to explore and complete. Therefore…

There’s a time to talk. Obviously, verbal communications are vital to all of us. We talk to socialize, pass on information (Hopefully, not disinformation!), to learn from each other and to express our feelings to each other. There’s nothing wrong with relating one’s feelings.

There’s a time to listen. I firmly believe we were given one mouth and two ears so we would listen more than talk. It’s through listening we gather knowledge and form bonds with each other and nature.

There’s a time to try a new beverage. I know we all have our favorite brew, wine, spirit, coffee, tea or whatever. But it doesn’t hurt to try something new. The next time you reach for that very well known beverage at the store, look around and try a new flavor. You might find the time to always have that new taste.

There’s a time to walk. I expect you’ve heard this many times, but walking is very important to one’s overall health. If you’re able to walk to get a product, don’t drive. Find the time to walk for it.

There’s time to show respect. We don’t always agree with another person’s position, but we need to show respect by honestly listening and having a polite conversation with them. Who knows where that respectful action will take us. Use your time together respectfully.

There a time to feel. It’s okay to mourn the loss of someone or something. As a human, that reveals you as a human with feelings — just like all of us. Go ahead, cry. From time to time, we all do it.

There’s a time to see. As you pass through your day, concentrate on really seeing the world around you. Note nature’s beauty and sound, notice the person walking by you and acknowledge them, see the interaction of strangers and engage with those quickly passing moments.

Yes, it’s time. There’s a purpose for everything. And don’t forget to sample a Sangiovese.

After all, it’s five o’clock somewhere, right?

As always, eat and drink in moderation but laugh with reckless abandon!


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