
The many faces of freedom

During this time of the year, many of us are focused on preparing to celebrate the 4th of July, and that’s certainly appropriate.

The day reminds us that our national independence began with the passage of the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776. That was a special moment in time for our nation, and we must never forget it. That moment of history forged our freedoms, and it’s only proper for us to reflect on the many faces of freedom we encounter on a daily basis.

First, a personal thought about wine. For a long time, I took having a glass of wine for granted. Then I learned there are many country’s that ban the consumption of wine. Therefore, I consider myself, and all the rest of us, blessed to have the freedom to taste the beverage we enjoy. I’ll raise a glass of Lupis Luna Red Wine Blend for that privilege. It’s a marvelous blend of cabernet sauvignon, merlot, Malbec and Barbera. Absolutely fantastic!

Now, let’s think about a few of the many faces of freedom.

We’ve all been to funerals or have walked through a cemetery where we’ve seen people crying. The reason might be because they are crying for the loss of a loved one who gave up their life so we can all continue to experience freedom. Are those tears not a face of freedom?

Have you seen pictures of or attended a program where new citizens have just taken the oath of citizenship? What do you see in such photographs or at such a program? You see smiles across a myriad of faces. Faces that have endured many hardships, dangers and a long wait to finally raise their right hand and repeat that special oath. All of those faces show us the faces of freedom.

Have you ever attended a program celebrating independence? Of course, we’ve all seen 4th of July parades — that’s a given. There are many such celebrations honoring freedom, i.e., Juneteenth, Syttende Mai, etc. When at the program, you experiencing more of the faces of freedom.

The many faces of freedom must be protected. There are many folks who would like to turn our democracy (freedom) into an autocracy. We must honor those who died in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and many other conflicts. We must honor all of those who marched and protested for civil rights. Many of them gave their futures so we can have a future. We must honor their sacrifices, and bravely face those attempting to take away from us what those people gave us — freedom.

As you walk by a park and see children playing, stop, look and listen. Stop for a few minutes, look at the playing kids and listen to their squeals of laughter. Everyone of them is a picture of a face of freedom.

All of us have the freedom to listen to our favorite music, to read our favorite book and to freely interact with everyone around us. Don’t take those freedoms for granted — they must be protected otherwise freedom takes on the face of autocracy.

Let us always remember what our flag stands for –freedom for everyone. It’s a flag of common good for everyone.

May you and yours always support the many faces of freedom as you raise a glass of your favorite beverage to each other.

As always, eat and drink in moderation but laugh with reckless abandon!


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