
On the Porch

The social news or gossip columns in the old newspapers are always fascinating to read. A special section in the newspaper was devoted to the social media of the day. The whereabouts of local people and events were often featured in these columns. Here are a few from The News Messenger of Lyon County on May 19, 1922:

Bladholm Brothers have resumed work on the new Second Street bridge and the work will be carried to completion as rapidly as possible. The bridge will be a handsome addition and it is only to be regretted that a more attractive view of Marshall may not be had from it.

Theo. Stassen is among those who had joined the spring clean-up, having renovated and redecorated his place of business this week.

On Sunday the Lake Marshall baseball team played the Green Valley team at Green Valley with the result of 9 to 13 in favor of Green Valley. On Sunday, May 21st, the Lake Marshall team will play the Burchard team at Burchard.

John E. Burchard, who is attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been chosen as one of five highest men in the Senior-Junior and graduate years of the Department of Agricultural Engineering of the Boston Tech., to take a trip to New York City to inspect the engineering work on the big buildings now under construction, all expenses to be paid by the Department of Architectural Engineers. These men will be entertained by the Harvard and Technology clubs of New York City.

A number of good strings of fish have been brought home this week by local fishermen who have met with good luck at Cottonwood Lake, the Minnesota River, Big Stone Lake and other places. Harley Snapp and Gordon Marshall each landed a seven pound pickerel at Cottonwood on Tuesday.

Mrs. H. Stellmacher, Irwin and Arloine, and Miss Lillian Ehlers motored to Renville Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Stellmacher’s mother, Mrs. C. Yunker. Being Mother’s Day, it was made the occasion for a pleasant family gathering.

A new shoe repair shop has been opened by W.M. Peteoff in the basement of the C. McNiven building beneath the Rest Room.

Attorney Charles L. DeReu left Monday by auto for St. Paul to attend to legal matters now pending in the Supreme Court. Mrs. V.J. Vergauwe and Mrs. Mary DeReu accompanied Mr. DeReu. They are expected home today.

The photograph featured this week shows the top portion of letterhead that is in the Lyon County Museum’s collection. This letterhead was used by the Law Offices of Charles Louis DeReu, George V. DeReu, and Edward F.L. Blecken. The letter was to First National Bank and dated May 16, 1924.

The Lyon County Historical Society (LCHS) is a nonprofit, member-supported organization. LCHS operates the Lyon County Museum at 301 West Lyon Street in Marshall. The Lyon County Museum is open year-round to visitors. To contact us, visit our website: www.lyoncomuseum.org, call: 507-537-6580, email: director@lyoncomuseum.org, or on our Facebook page.


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