
Where does the time go?

What!?! It’s Monday already? Wasn’t Monday just yesterday??

Have you ever noticed how fast time flies by you? It seems like the less I have to do, the faster the days slip by me. Doesn’t one reach a point in life when the passage of time slows down? Or, is there a lesson to be learned here?

Even when one is working full time, time flies by quickly, correct? Therefore, whether you are working or not doesn’t dictate how quickly those days pass by us. Sooo, does age influence the speed of days?

Having lived a few decades, I can answer that question with some authority. No!! Time moves rapidly at all age levels. Excuse me, I need a sip of coffee. This subject is getting deep.

On second thought, instead of coffee, I’ll have a sip of Robert Mondavi Aged Cabernet Sauvignon. I’ll meditate our question about time as I savor the rick cherry and chocolate flavors, and then, smile at the sweet smoky and cocoa finish.

Let’s see … where were we? Oh yes, the movement of time. Did you know that the Urania World Clock located in the Alexanderplatz in Mitte, Berlin, Germany, is the go to clock for much of the world? For over 50years, it has beat at the same tempo. Hmm, if time clicks at the same pace, but still seems to fly by us, what’s the answer to our main question?

After another sip of the afore mentioned aged wine and a bit of mental pondering, I think we will find the answer is our lived lives.

It seems we should analyze our lives, and we’ll find the answer to our passage of time question. Perhaps it’s how we fill our time on earth that reveals the needed answer. Do we live cherished time or do we live just to get through it time? Gosh, I think my aged wine just said something to me: “Slow down and smell the roses.”

We all need to enjoy our passing seasons. Find someway to start a tradition related to each of our four seasons. Include as many family members or friends in this tradition as you desire and cherish those group traditions. If you wish a more solitary pathway, do it. Just take time amidst the hullabaloo of your days to not only smell the roses, but to also see them. Relish those powerful quiet moments and your life’s clock will slow down a bit.

As a parent, I can offer this statement as a fact. Life moves quickly when your children are growing up. We parents get so involved (a good thing!) in our families activities that, at times, life becomes a blur. We must make time for ourselves and life will become slower paced and allow us to savor it.

It’s like enjoying a glass of Noble Wines 242 Sauvignon Blanc. It asks us to slow down and cherish its crisp citrus flavors.

I think that after all this thinking about the movement of time, it’s time to conclude this pondering with these thoughts. Cherish your time on earth. Realize some of that time will be fun and some not so fun. But overall, it’s your time. It’s not about how fast time flies by us. It is how we use the time that ticks by us.

May you enjoy your passage of time and savor each sip of it!

As always, eat and drink in moderation but laugh with reckless abandon!



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