
On the Porch

The social news or gossip columns in the old newspapers are always fascinating to read. A special section in the newspaper was devoted to the social media of the day. The whereabouts of local people and events were often featured in these columns. Here are a few from The News Messenger of Lyon County on April 20, 1917:

Frank Herring bid in the old building where the barber shop is located at the auction yesterday at $107.00 and will move it to one of his vacant lots to be remodeled into a dwelling house. The LaVoy building was sold in three sections to different parties and will be wrecked. The buildings to be moved off by May 1st, and the contractor of the new Masonic Temple will begin his work on May 15th.

Miss Eunice Montague entertained young ladies and gentlemen at cards, Wednesday evening.

Dr. J.J. Kelly, a veterinarian, has located at Marshall, having his office at the City Livery. He is a graduate of the Veterinary College in Chicago and has had experience in practicing.

Prof. Seifert of Cottonwood was a caller on business this week. he is an experienced musician and piano tuner and announces that he will make inspection, tune and put pianos in first class shape.

George Lowe of the Olson & Lowe firm is in the Twin Cities this week buying goods for the store here. There are fourteen stores in the system and representatives from all of them are meeting together to buy stock.

The Farmers Company has bought the Hinkle building for use in their implement business. With the increase in farming this year to meet the food shortage due to the war, this elevator company is planning to accommodate increased business in the machinery line as well as in the grain department.

Mrs. F.W. Sickler received word this week from her daughter, Mrs. A. P. McGaskell [McAskill] of Calgary, Canada, that her husband was reported among the missing in France. A few days before the telegram came, she had received a letter from him, written during a big battle there, stating that he was writing during a short rest period and that they were nearly worn out. Mrs. McGaskell [McAskill] was formerly Miss Vivian Sickler of this city.

On Sunday, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Todnem of Stanley township.

Mr. John Drager has his lumber for his new barn all hauled. He made the purchase from Nicholson Lumber company.

L.H. Powell has already started operation for the new two-story garage to go up, next to the Ross Lumber Company yard. The foundation is about ready and the building will be completed in the quickest possible time.

The photograph featured this week from the Lyon County Museum’s collection shows workers inside the Powell Auto Company garage on Main Street in Marshall, circa 1920.

The Lyon County Historical Society (LCHS) is a nonprofit, member-supported organization. LCHS operates the Lyon County Museum at 301 West Lyon Street in Marshall. The Lyon County Museum is open year-round to visitors.


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