
On the Porch

The social news or gossip columns in the old newspapers are always fascinating to read. A special section in the newspaper was devoted to the social media of the day. The whereabouts of local people and events were often featured in these columns.

Here are a few from The News Messenger of Lyon County on June 2, 1922:

Miss Blanche Soucy closed a successful term of teaching in District 28 on last Friday. During the last week of school, beginning on May 2nd, a fly contest was conducted covering a period of eighteen days. Twenty-two children took part in the contest. Three thousand four hundred thirty-seven flies were caught. Leroy Weidauer proved to be the winner, having caught one thousand fifteen flies. Lloyd Uhl caught eight hundred eighty-two flies and Emma Miller four hundred sixteen. Eight hundred twenty-nine flies were caught in one day by the pupils.

Mrs. W.W. Gray, Chairman of the Poppy Sale, of the American Legion Auxiliary, reports that 2109 poppies were sold from this locality.

There were hundreds of fishermen at Lake Sarah last Sunday in addition to thousands of people who were picnicking and taking in the ball game, but C.C. Searle captured the prize of the day when he caught a 12 pound Great Northern pike. It measured 34 inches in length.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Struthers, Mr. and Mrs. George Struthers and Mrs. and Mrs. William Struthers, all of Minneapolis, were guests at the James Struthers home in this city from Saturday until Tuesday. On Sunday afternoon they were guest at a picnic supper in the Mitchell woods on the Cottonwood river near Amiret.

Frank H. Throop, who recently underwent an operation at the Mayo Hospital in Rochester, is doing nicely at this time. His family expect him home in the latter part of next week.

Mrs. G.H. Goodwin entertained several of the teachers of the Marshall Public Schools at a picnic supper at Nelson’s grove on Wednesday evening. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by those present.

The closing exercises of St. Joseph’s Academy for the school year will be held at the church auditorium Monday afternoon and evening, June 5th. “The Millionaire Janitor” and “Mr. Bob”, two act comedies, will be the entertainment features of the program. Special music will be furnished by children of the grades and by the Academy Glee Club. There will also be selections by the Academy Orchestra.

The first Regional Conference of Child Welfare boards will be held at Pipestone on Friday, June 9th, when morning, afternoon, and evening sessions will be held in that city. Miss Floy Fuller of this city will preside at the opening session and Miss Jennie Frost of Minneota will make the report for this county. An excellent program is prepared for the day’s sessions.

The photograph featured this week shows a silver tray from the Lyon County Museum’s collection. The tray was given to Jennie Frost, when she retired. The engraving on the tray reads: “Jennie M. Frost Lyon Co. Supt. Of Schools June 6, 1927 – Dec. 31, 1959 Presented By County Commissioners Courthouse Personal”.

The Lyon County Historical Society (LCHS) is a non-profit, member-supported organization. LCHS operates the Lyon County Museum at 301 W Lyon St in Marshall. The Lyon County Museum is open to visitors. To contact us, visit our website: www.lyoncomuseum.org, call: 507-537-6580, email: director@lyoncomuseum.org, or on our Facebook page.


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