Why I am voting for Harris
To the editor:
The Independent recently published two letters that followed a common template. They each began by admitting that Donald Trump is a flawed candidate and continued with a list of sixteen bullet points in the same order with the same key phrases, beginning with the first amendment.
With the bullet points the authors tried but failed to name issues that support voting for Trump despite his many shortcomings. There is not enough space here to discuss Trump’s failure in all sixteen bullet points, but I will consider a few as space allows.
Trump wants to revoke the broadcasting license for ABC because that TV network fact checked him. He wants to arrest people who criticize his Supreme Court justices. He wants to deport campus protesters. It is clear that he does not support the First Amendment.
Some of the bullet points refer to consensus issues supported by essentially everybody. For example, except for the perpetrators themselves everybody wants to end human/child trafficking. When she was attorney general in California, Kamala Harris prosecuted human traffickers and shut down sex trafficking networks. On the other hand, Trump was found legally liable for sexual assault.
With regard to support of the military, more than 740 high ranking former military and national security officers (including Republicans and Democrats) recently signed a letter supporting Harris for President. In a separate letter, 111 high level national security officials from Republican administrations declared that Trump was “unfit to serve.”
I agree with both letters that America “is the greatest country in the world.” Harris also agrees. She said that “here, in this country, anything is possible.” By contrast, Trump keeps saying that America is a “failing nation.” We are not failing. We are still recovering from the Trump downturn, but we currently have the greatest economy in the world because we avoided the more severe problems that plagued the rest of the world after the pandemic.
Considered in full context, all the bullet points help convince me to vote for Kamala Harris.
Sherwin Skar