Fischbach alternative view of universe
To the Editor:
We in southwest Minnesota enjoy a remarkable situation by having a representative in Congress who does not need to align herself with the liberal, socialist leadership of our governor or either of our two United States Senators. As such, she continues to bring us her alternative view of the universe by allowing a former disgraced office holder to be the “tail wagging the dog” in most of her decision making.
One of her most recent email updates to her constituents detailed another “trip to the border” to exploit failed policies by the present administration. While she was gone, a bipartisan bill which would have helped immensely in solving the problem failed to even be heard in the House. This was primarily because she and her fellow House Republicans would rather keep this as an issue for the current campaign than do anything constructive to solve the problem. All of this, by the way, is being done at the direction of a career criminal who spends most of his time in court rooms defending his warped perception of reality. Be sure to send Ms. Fischbach a note congratulating her on her wonderful service to her constituents. If you have a few extra bucks, you might consider sending it in to fund another flight or two to Texas where she can ignore her responsibilities to do anything remotely constructive for her district. God bless America.
Dennis Phelps