
If I had a pipeline

To the editor:

The possibilities are endless. So far, to me, most of the possibilities seem to lean toward the negative side. Everyone is for clean air, but at what cost? I have been to multiple carbon pipeline meetings, both informational and against the project. When the audience has the opportunity to ask questions, the answer to important questions usually falls into one of two categories, “I don’t know” or “I’ll find out and get back to you” so far I’ve never received a call back. Have you?

Some of the questions are, “How much water will this take?” “How much carbon dioxide will be released if a rupture occurs?” (I would imagine it would be a sizable amount while it’s under pressure.) “What plans do you have to assure safety if a rupture does occur?” “How long will it take to offset the carbon emissions from just installing this pipeline?”

It seems to me that these are very important questions, and to be blunt, rather basic. So basic that they should be able to be answered without thought. Don’t they know? Perhaps they just don’t want us to know. I’m having trouble seeing the benefit to putting this pipeline in. I can’t think of one good reason. I have another question. Is Summit going to be able to sell carbon credits to heavy polluters? I’ve always figured worthwhile projects don’t need to use trickery to be implemented. Safety Should always come first. A little more transparency would be beneficial to everyone.

Ed Iverson



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