
Many reasons to vote yes in school bond election

To the editor:

The RTR school District has a school bond vote for a new school on Feb. 12. There is early voting available 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday at the high school office. Terry and I voted early and we voted yes.

We have many reasons for voting yes; many things have changed since our schools were built and since we consolidated. Our main reason is we have two great-grandchildren who will be attending RTR until they graduate. We feel all children should have a safe and healthy environment to attend school in.

There will be an informational meeting at the high school at 7 p.m. Jan 24. We encourage everyone to attend. There will be experts on hand to answer any question you may have; you can get true and accurate information, rather than some of the rumors going around.

I will leave you with a thought: If you have paint with lead in it in your paint supply, would you paint your child’s room with the lead paint or will you buy the safer alternative paint?

Terry and Polly Dressen



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