
Donating blood makes a difference

The email from the American Red Cross stated in all caps: BREAKING

“Blood emergency declared , Red Cross donors needed now

The Red Cross urged editors to get the word out.

“The American Red Cross has now issued an emergency blood shortage as the nation faces dangerous levels of heat and heads out for final summer travel plans. In July, heat impacted blood drives in nearly every state the Red Cross collects blood — a contributing factor to further draw down of an already-low blood supply. We need donors to give blood or platelets now to avoid any potential effect on lifesaving medical treatments,” the press release stated.

The release also stated that the heat impacted blood drives in July. Travel and summer activities also led to shortfall in contributions

“It’s critical hospitals have both type O positive and O negative blood ready to go for patients in the most life-threatening situations,” said Dr. Eric Gehrie, executive physician director for the Red Cross. “Type O is especially important for victims of accidents and other trauma who are receiving emergency treatment. Now is the time for donors of all blood types to give and ensure hospital shelves can be restocked before any impact to patient care.”

Fortunately, residents in communities located in southwest Minnesota don’t have to go far to contribute blood. We urge residents to take advantage of these opportunities:

• Ivanhoe:

Aug. 21 1-7 p.m., VFW, 116 E. Saxon

• Balaton:

Aug. 28 12:30-6:30 p.m., Community Center, 134 3rd St.

• Marshall:

Aug. 14 1-6 p.m., MERIT Center, 1001 Erie Road

Aug. 20 noon-6 p.m.First Lutheran Church, 100 Church St.

Aug. 26 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Lyon County Government Center, 607 W. Main Street

• Slayton

Aug. 15 noon-6 p.m., Christ Lutheran Church, 2959 Queen Ave.

• Ruthton

Aug. 19 12:30 -6:30 p.m. Community Center, 501 Smith Ave.

• Milroy

Aug. 29 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 301 Oak St.

• Wood Lake

Aug. 28 1-7 p.m., Community Center, 88 2nd Ave. W

Aug. 29 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Community Center, 88 2nd Ave. W

As the Red Cross saying goes: Make a lifesaving difference.

Make an appointment to donate. Use the Red Cross Donor App, visit red-cross-blood.org or call 1-800-Red Cross to schedule a donation.


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