
Crazy Days brings cause for community celebration

It’s coming up on July 20th, which heralds Crazy Days, 2023, in Marshall. This is always a good time to catch discounted prices on things all over town, as well as watch those cute kiddos in the Kiddy Parade as they march and stroll down Main Street. But this year Crazy Days is even more special because of so many other projects that are in progress or newly completed around town.

Downtown has a new city hall that took some time to finish. There were surprises uncovered by the destruction of the original foundation, but the new building is sharp and spiffy. A similar process is underway on Third Street, and while this has led to some grumbling about road blockages to the post office and other downtown businesses, we should give this new project a chance. The efforts of road crews working on hot summer days, while most of us reposed in air conditioned comfort, reveal a newly paved and pristine road. The near completion of this project promises downtown beauty, and spotlights the intersection of Third and Main Street as a vital hub for the city.

To launch this renovation, “Tunes on the Terrace”, a series of downtown musical events taking place on alternating Thursdays at Terrace 1872, promises “good vibes only”. As the sun begins to set on Crazy Days, think about checking out the “Singing Qs” from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Terrace 1872, located at the plaza between Marshall City Hall and Main Stay Café. From there you can survey the progress on Third Street and take in some of the established, new, and incoming businesses that make Marshall’s downtown a special place to visit.

The growth of Marshall is also evident on College Drive. A fresh-faced, attractive apartment building is nearing completion between College Drive and north First Street. The newly opened Dollar General store offers convenient shopping at low prices. Several new gas stations being constructed on College Avenue promise more options for filling up the tank and grabbing snacks and beverages. The Habitat for Humanity Restore is also in its new location on College Avenue, offering help with home improvement and furnishings in ways that are affordable and charitable to the community.

And speaking of the gas tank, given the likelihood that the future also holds the need to charge up electric cars, it is notable that several new Tesla charging stations have been erected in the Hy-Vee parking lot. This change may provoke cynicism about the feasibility of electric vehicles, but given the heat records broken recently all around the country and world, the town of Marshall makes progress when it supports these innovations.

So keep in mind this Thursday that Crazy Days brings about more than just crazy good deals and discounts from businesses all around town, it also brings cause to celebrate all things that make Marshall a thriving and prosperous community, today and into the future.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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