
Aid for workers

Congress is moving at an agonizingly slow pace as it works on a $2 trillion package of aid to bolster the economy during the COVID-19. After the package whipped through the House it has bogged down in the Senate as Democrats and Republicans argue over how the money will be distributed and to whom.

A deal was finally reached between Republicans and Democrats early Wednesday, but a vote for approval in the Senate is being delayed because the bill hit some snags between a handful of senators. As of Wednesday evening, members of the Senate was still haggling over their differences. The legislation is supposed to focus on putting money in the hands of those most affected by the coronavirus impact — the workers who have been laid off or furloughed by the business shutdowns, and the small businesses that are struggling to stay alive and make their payrolls.

Sending checks for $1,200 per individual, or $2,400 per couple will give a much needed break to those who are struggling to pay bills and cover their rent or mortgage payments.

Extending unemployment benefits will also provide some help to people who have lost their jobs and aren’t sure when companies are going to be able to start hiring again.

We hope Congress is able to get it done quickly. This is no time for partisan bickering and posturing.


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