
Meth seizure, arrests help answer the question

“Mexican drug cartel “flooded our market” with meth.”

That was a headline on a story that appeared in the Independent last June. Jody Gladis, the former commander of the Brown-Lyon-Redwood-Renville Drug Task Force was quoted in that article on his talk to the Noon Rotary Club. He stated that super labs in Mexico are producing meth that is being shipped north to various destinations in the U.S. — including southwest Minnesota.

“How many of you actually believe we have cartel members living right here in Marshall?” Gladis asked.

The claims made by Gladis may not have convinced everybody in southwest Minnesota that there is a crime problem related to drugs. Or that the Mexican cartel is living among us. But reports within the last week may be indications that will help back up those claims.

On Wednesday, the drug task force announced the seizure of approximately three quarters of a pound of methamphetamine. The task force also made five arrests during two executed searches in the city of Marshall. Four of the five are Marshall residents and one from Lake Benton.

The sad part was the last paragraph in that article. It stated that two of the suspects were also charged with methamphetamine crimes involving children.

On Thursday, a Marshall man was sentenced to more than six years for selling methamphetamine. Finally, Marshall police on Thursday responded to a call from the Dairy Queen on Country Club Drive in Marshall for an armed robbery.

The big question: Are these recent crime reports a start of a new trend?

Probably too early to tell. But it’s safe to say our law enforcement agencies are facing big challenges today and in the future. Increasing support to the drug task force by the cooperating counties will be important. And our new law enforcement commanders in Lyon County will need to direct as much resources as possible to combating drug related crimes. The new sheriff and Marshall public safety director probably know the answer to Gladis’ question to the Rotarians.

“They are here,” Gladis said. “They have their own people set up throughout the U.S. They are all over the place.”

Even in southwest Minnesota communities. Even in Marshall.


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