Crime and Accidents for May 16
MARSHALL — A Marshall man, 40, was cited for speeding and driving after revocation at 6:41 a.m. Wednesday at the intersection of 310th Avenue and Lyon County Road 6, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office said.
MARSHALL — A St. Paul man, 36, was arrested for DWI – refusal to test, driving after revocation, and open bottle at 11 p.m. Tuesday on the 200 block of East Main Street, Marshall Police said.
MARSHALL — Vandalism reported at 5:41 p.m. Tuesday on Pearl Avenue is under investigation, Marshall Police said.
MINNEOTA — A suspicious incident was reported at 2:51 p.m. Tuesday on the 100 block of West Lyon Street, Minneota Police said. No further information was available.
GHENT — A report was sent to the county attorney’s office for consideration of making threats of violence charges against a Ghent man, 78, in an incident at 2:22 p.m. Tuesday on the 200 block of North Collins Street, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office said.
TRACY — An incident reported at 2:18 p.m. Tuesday on the 300 block of Morgan Street is under investigation, Tracy Police said. No further information was available.
MINNEOTA — An animal complaint incident was reported at 2:08 p.m. Tuesday on the 400 block of North Jefferson Street, Minneota Police said. No further information was available.
MARSHALL — A Cottonwood man, 69, was cited for driving after revocation and not having current proof of insurance in a traffic stop at 1:31 p.m. Tuesday on the 600 block of Kendall Street, Marshall Police said.
MARSHALL — A Ghent man, 23, was arrested for fleeing in a motor vehicle, and a Marshall woman, 23, was arrested on a warrant in a traffic stop at 2:59 a.m. Tuesday on the 2600 block of Lyon County Road 5, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office said.
MARSHALL — A property damage accident reported at 6 p.m. Tuesday on the 400 block of Tiger Drive is under investigation, Marshall Police said.