
National Briefs

2 tropical storms, Paulette and Rene, form in the Atlantic

MIAMI (AP) — Two tropical storms formed Monday in the Atlantic Ocean, including Rene, which took shape off the coast of West Africa.

The U.S. National Hurricane Center issued a tropical storm warning for the Cabo Verde Islands, saying Rene would produce tropical storm-force winds and heavy rainfall across the island country Monday night and this morning.

‘Mighty mice’ stay musclebound in space, boon for astronauts

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Bulked-up, mutant “mighty mice” held onto their muscle during a monthlong stay at the International Space Station, returning to Earth with ripped bodybuilder physiques, scientists reported Monday.

The findings hold promise for preventing muscle and bone loss in astronauts on prolonged space trips like Mars missions, as well as people on Earth who are confined to bed or need wheelchairs.

Naked protesters demand action after Daniel Prude’s killing

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) — Naked except for “spit hoods” in a reference to the killing of Daniel Prude, several protesters sat outside Rochester’s police headquarters Monday morning to push for police accountability, local news outlets reported.

Photos and video showed roughly a half-dozen demonstrators, naked or in minimal clothes and some with “Black Lives Matter” written on their backs, sitting silently with their hands behind them, on a rain-slicked street outside the city Public Safety Building. The Democrat & Chronicle reported that after a time, the demonstrators were given blankets and left in cars.

Handcuffed man drowns after jumping into Florida bay

TREASURE ISLAND, Fla. (AP) — A handcuffed Florida man died after bolting from police custody and jumping into Boca Ciega Bay, where he drowned, authorities said.

Treasure Island police arrested Donnie Brownlow Jr., 33, after responding to a domestic disturbance Sunday evening around 7:40 p.m., the Tampa Bay Times reported. He was in custody on charges of domestic battery, obstruction, felony driving while license suspended and violation of probation.

Black woman to lead police force reeling from Breonna Taylor

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — For the first time, a Black woman will lead Kentucky’s Louisville Metro Police Department, which has been been heavily criticized since officers fatally shot Breonna Taylor in March.

Mayor Greg Fischer announced on Monday that Yvette Gentry will serve as interim chief of the department, according to The Courier-Journal.


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