
Local/state briefs

Free concert of Norwegian music is Oct. 11 in Dawson

Norwegian trumpeter Kai Robert Johansen & Friends Celebrate Norway will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11, at Memorial Auditorium, 601 9th St., Dawson. This is a free concert and open to the public. Free will donations would be appreciated to cover local expenses.

Norwegian trumpeter Kai Robert Johansen will perform with vocalist Ellen Karine Lanne and accordion orchestra Svingen Torador. Refreshments will be available following the concert.

Johansen brings the musical artistry from his home area of Østfold County in southeastern Norway. Johansen has been performing for nearly 50 years and has released more than 60 CDs, several of which have reached gold and platinum status. He has been awarded several Norwegian cultural awards for his work as a musician and composer.

The event is sponsored by the Sons of Norway in Canby, Granite Falls, and Madison, in cooperation with the Dawson-Boyd Arts Association and Thrivent.

Student found dead at fraternity house identified

ST. PAUL (AP) — St. Paul police have identified the student whose body was found in a University of Minnesota fraternity house.

The body of 20-year-old Dylan Fulton, from St. Lawrence, South Dakota, was found at the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity house early Wednesday. Police say they do not suspect foul play in Fulton’s death. Police spokesman Steve Linders said although authorities do not believe Fulton was hazed, alcohol may be a factor in his death.

A resident of the house called police after finding Fulton. It’s unclear whether he lived at the fraternity house.

Rate of uninsured increases in Minnesota

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The number of people without health insurance in Minnesota has increased for the first time in five years, when the Affordable Care Act was in full effect.

A U.S. Census report said about 243,000 Minnesotans did not have insurance in 2017. That’s an increase of 18,000 from the previous year. Still, Minnesota has one of the lowest uninsured rates in the country at 4.5 percent. Nationally that rate is 8.8 percent, or about 28 1/2 million people.

State health economist Stefan Gildenmeister told the Star Tribune what is of particular concern is that the rate of uninsured has increased at a time of economic prosperity.

Man arrested after shooting Minnesota deputy with crossbow

SAUK CENTRE (AP) — Authorities said an erratic driver who crashed into a building and shot a Minnesota sheriff’s deputy with a crossbow was arrested following a standoff.

Stearns County Sheriff Don Gudmunson said the deputy who was pursuing the suspect Thursday was shot in the arm and was taken to a hospital, where he is in good condition. The sheriff’s office says another law enforcement officer fired gunshots, but that officer was not identified.

WJON radio reported that the suspect was holed up in a home in Sauk Centre, a community about 90 miles northwest of Minneapolis. Nearby homes were evacuated during the two-hour standoff, which drew multiple law enforcement agencies to the scene.

Gudmunson said the deputy began pursuing the 31-year-old suspect because he was driving erratically.

Jury convicts uncle in death of baby in St. Louis County

VIRGINIA (AP) — A jury has convicted the uncle of a baby who was killed in a house fire in St. Louis County.

KBJR-TV reported the jury found 26-year-old Jesse Lee Bonacci-Koski of Hibbing guilty Thursday on two counts of manslaughter. He’ll be sentenced Oct. 24.

Bonacci-Koski was on trial for the August 2017 death of 11-month-old Bentley Koski. Prosecutors say Bonacci-Koski left his nephew home alone that day when a fire broke out.

In closing arguments, the defense argued there was insufficient evidence to convict Bonacci-Koski of manslaughter.

But the prosecution countered that the fact that Bonacci-Koski left the baby home alone was enough to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

The cause of the fire has not been determined. But investigators say there is no evidence that Bonacci-Koski started the fire.


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