
True Light to showcase play created by students 

MARSHALL — True Light Christian School seventh and eighth graders have been working on a play since October, and it’s nearly time to hit the stage to showcase, “Mysterious Miracles: Believing is Seeing,” open to the public this Thursday and Friday.

“The kids actually write it in class. They write the whole play and develop all the characters and come up with the theme all on their own,” play director and language arts teacher Shawna Holt said. “They audition for those characters that they developed, then they get to act in those parts. That’s really cool, because it’s a whole process from start to finish.” 

Show times begin at 7:30 p.m. at the school both days, and people are welcomed to come in at 6 p.m. to enjoy dinner beforehand. 

“This started as a way to raise money for missions trips. This is our 22nd year I believe doing this, Holt said. “They serve dinner, then they put on a play … These funds help support them as they go.” 

The play is based on people witnessing scenarios and finding their way through faith, and navigating what to believe in. It’s also performed like a live news report. 

“It’s more of a modern day take on the miracles of Jesus. All these weird things are happening, people are being healed, and this person is raised from the dead,” Holt said. “Then what we’re seeing really is the struggle of some of these newscasters and other people in the community as they’re seeing it with their own eyes, and whether they’re choosing to believe.” 

The characters in the show engage in newsroom conversations and interviews, and discuss with one another questions of belief and doubt. 

“What it kind of comes down to is, how do we come to faith?” Holt said. “To choose without really knowing whether something is completely 100% true? We choose it and we believe it, and we see then that it is true. We see those miracles when we choose to believe.” 

As show day is approaching, Holt said the students are currently working through some nerves but are also excited to see everything come together. 

Tickets are $20 for both dinner and the show, but people are welcome to come to just the play for $7 as well. Tickets can be bought at the school, and True Light asks those to call ahead if they plan to attend dinner at 507-532-2762, to get a head count of how many meals to prepare.  

“They (people) can expect a pretty good dinner. We’re having some chicken alfredo, and the kids prep all of that during the day, too. We try to get them involved in as much of the serving of things as we can,” Holt said. “Then, they can expect to hear the struggles of real people as they encounter crazy things that happen, and what do we do with miracles when we see them.” 

Starting at $4.38/week.

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