
Stories and songs

Clarkfield resident shares journey from making music to writing children’s books

Photo by Deb Gau Southwest Minnesota musician and children’s author Tom Listul reads from the book “Monkey Made Dream” during an event at the MAFAC gallery on Thursday. Listul wrote the story as a song, together with his daughter Heather Listul Hewitt.

MARSHALL — He’s been a musician, a songwriter, and a farmer. Now, Clarkfield resident Tom Listul is an author, too.

“It’s been kind of a bucket-list thing to do,” Listul said during a talk in Marshall.

Listul performed original songs and read from his three published children’s books at the MAFAC gallery on Thursday. He said the ideas for the books came partly from making up songs and telling stories for his family.

Listul grew up singing and playing guitar, and played in a band with friends during high school. When he was 19, he had a chance to sing with the Minnesota band the Rockin’ Hollywoods.

“They called a couple weeks later and they asked me to join the band,” Listul said. “For a couple years, we performed six nights a week.”

Listul eventually came home to help his father on the farm. But, he said, “I never gave up music.”

He has written songs for other artists, and has recorded guitar instrumentals that have been used on PBS. The Rockin’ Hollywoods were also inducted into the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame in 2007.

Music served as the inspiration for Listul to start writing kids’ books. Listul and his daughter Heather used to make up songs together, and one of those songs became his first book, “Monkey Made Dream.” At Thursday’s event, he performed the song, which tells the story of a girl who discovers her brother has turned into a monkey.

Listul said he surprised Heather with a copy of “Monkey Made Dream” as a gift at her wedding. She’s credited as the co-author of the book.

Listul said he also got ideas for his books “The Adventures of Shadowman” and “I Don’t Think So!” from being with family. “Shadowman” came from memories of making shadow puppets for his children. Listul’s newest book, “I Don’t Think So!” imagines animals in funny situations. He said it was inspired by his granddaughter.

“I Don’t Think So!” is also a story with a song. “Have you ever seen an elephant shopping at the grocery store?” Listul began singing. He paused for audience members to answer back, “I don’t think so!”

Listul said the songs that go with “I Don’t Think So!” and “Monkey Made Dream” can be downloaded at his website, www.tomlistulstories.com.

Although he’s new to writing books, Listul said he enjoys working with new ideas that come to him.

“I’m having fun with it. I’m just getting started,” he told audience members.


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