
New chapter for ‘corner store’

Haas to say goodbye after four-decade career at Bot

Photo by Deb Gau Karol and Terry Haas said it was important to be able to keep an appliance store downtown, even after Terry retires. Terry’s career with Bot Appliance spans 41 years.

MARSHALL — Terry Haas said one of the fun things about his 41 years in appliance sales and service has been getting to know people. He’s even seen the children of some of his customers grow up and come back to shop at Bot Appliance, Furniture & More.

Now, a new chapter is starting for both Haas and the business.

“It’s going to be good for Marshall to still have an appliance store on the corner,” Haas said.

This week, banners outside the store announced that Bot Appliance has been bought by Karl’s TV, Appliance & Furniture. The South Dakota-based chain will open at the Bot Appliance location on the corner of Main Street and Fourth Street in September.

As Terry and his wife Karol get ready for the transition, they say they are grateful for the support Marshall and area communities have shown them over the years.

“We want to thank people,” Terry Haas said.

“It’s exciting, but also it’s bittersweet,” Karol Haas said of the change. “My customers are my friends.”

The business sale means the 405 Loft boutique at the Bot Appliance location will also close. But Karol said she and her daughter are planning to open a new boutique at a location in downtown Brookings.

Terry Haas said his work at Bot Appliance started out with a part-time job back in 1983.

“It started basically when I was going to school, and they needed a delivery guy,” Haas said. “That part-time job turned into a full-time job.”

Over the years, Haas went from making deliveries, to working in service, sales, and finally buying the business.

“It’s been fun,” Haas said of his time with Bot Appliance.

There had been a lot of changes in the business over the years, including changes in technology. Once, a 27-inch television was something people considered really impressive, he said. Now, everyone has flatscreen TVs.

As Haas thought about retirement, he wanted to make sure the business could keep going. When Karl’s reached out about buying Bot Appliance, it seemed like a good fit.

“They’re a good company, and good people,” he said.

Karl’s got its start as a TV business in South Dakota in 1956. Today, the company offers appliances, electronics, mattresses and furniture. According to the company website, Karl’s has locations spread out across the Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Wyoming. Currently, the closest Karl’s locations to Marshall are in Brookings, Sioux Falls and Worthington.

Haas said he will stay at the store to help with the transition to new ownership.

“I’ll be here until April 1, managing the store,” he said.

Karol Haas said 405 Loft will be closing down later this summer, as they prepare for Karl’s to move into the Marshall location.

However, she and her daughter will also be starting out a new business, called Meracki Threads and Design. Karol said the name was Greek, meaning “Something from the heart.”

The location for the new boutique will be on Fourth Street in Brookings, she said.

Karol said there’s been some bittersweet feelings, and “lots of hugs,” as boutique customers say goodbye.

Terry and Karol said they had been “blessed” in Marshall.

It was important to be able keep a downtown business going into the future, Terry said.


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