
Detour south of Garvin starts Thursday

MARSHALL — There’s already one detour in place on U.S. Highway 59 south of Marshall. This week, a second detour on the same highway is about to take effect – this time south of Garvin.

Starting Thursday, Highway 59 will close south of Garvin, from 201st Street in Murray County to Lyon County Road 14, the Minnesota Department of Transportation said. The road closure will allow for concrete repairs.

Traffic on Highway 59 will be detoured around the construction area, onto U.S. Highway 14, and County Roads 48, 29, and 5. The detour is planned to be in place for about seven weeks.

Earlier this summer, work started on concrete repairs on Highway 59 just south of Marshall. Currently, Highway 59 is also closed between Highway 23 and Lyon County Road 6. Traffic on Highway 59 is detoured onto Highway 23, Lyon County Road 35 (South Saratoga Street), and Lyon County Road 6.

MnDOT said the two detours will be in place at the same time for up to five working days.

The concrete repair project is expected to end October 18, MnDOT said. However, weather and other circumstances could affect the ending date.

The cost of the project is approximately $4.4 million, MnDOT said.


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