
MPS business services director to step down

School district splits position into two job titles

MARSHALL — Marshall Public Schools’ current director of business services will be stepping down this summer. The school district also plans to replace his position with two new ones: a director of operations and a director of finance.

“This will be a realignment of the position,” said MPS Superintendent Jeremy Williams. It reflected the amount of work that business services director Dion Caron does for the district, he said. “We need to split some things up.”

At Monday’s school board meeting, board members approved Caron’s resignation as director of business services, effective June 30. Caron’s resignation was one of a number of personnel actions approved as part of the board’s consent agenda.

“I want to thank Dion for his many years of service to Marshall Public Schools,” said school board chairman Matt Coleman. In addition to managing district finances, Caron also worked on the planning for MPS facilities projects. “Dion has been instrumental in our facilities upgrades, including the selling of West Side Elementary, the construction of Southview Elementary and the expansion of Park Side Elementary,” he said. “We appreciate all that you have done.”

Later in the meeting, board members voted on whether to authorize Williams to dissolve the business services director position, and post for two new positions. The move would split up the financial and operations portions of Caron’s current job.

Board member Bill Swope said he had a chance to read the job descriptions for the proposed director of operations and director of finance positions.

“I think they’re very well written, and it helps us have a greater understanding of how many hats Dion has had to wear,” Swope said. “I think both positions will enhance the way we do business.”

Board members voted unanimously in favor of dissolving the business services director position, and posting for a director of operations and a director of finance.


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