
MN election filing period opens

Some area county, state House candidates have already filed

MARSHALL — The candidate filing period has opened for Minnesota’s 2024 state general election. This fall, offices ranging from U.S. and state legislative seats, down to county commission and soil and water board seats will be up for election.

The filing period for most federal, state and county offices runs from May 21 through Tuesday, June 4. On Tuesday, the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office reported that there were already a few filings in county and state races in the area. In Minnesota House District 15A, which includes Lyon, Yellow Medicine and Lac qui Parle Counties, DFL candidate Anthony Studemann filed for office. The current District 15A representative is Chris Swedzinski, R-Ghent. Swedzinski received the District 15A Republican endorsement earlier this spring.

In Minnesota House District 21A, which includes Lincoln, Pipestone, Murray, Rock, and parts of Cottonwood and Nobles Counties, incumbent candidate Joe Schomacker, R-Luverne, filed for re-election.

County races up for election this fall include county commissioner seats, and seats on soil and water supervisory boards. In Lincoln County, there will be elections in Commissioner Districts 1, 3 and 5, and for Soil and Water Districts 2 and 5. Current District 1 Commissioner Corey Sik, District 3 Commissioner Dean Nielsen and District 5 commissioner Steve Hauswedell have filed for re-election. Jeff Paluch filed for Soil and Water District 2.

In Lyon County, there will be elections in Commissioner Districts 2, 4 and 5, and in Soil and Water Districts 3 and 5. Current District 2 Commissioner Todd Draper and District 4 Commissioner Gary Crowley have filed for re-election. Earlier this spring, District 5 Commissioner Rick Anderson announced his intent to file for re-election.

In Murray County, there will be elections in Commissioner Districts 1, 2, and 5, and in Soil and Water Districts 2, 4 and 5. Trevor Humphrey filed in Commissioner District 1. Mark Carlson filed in Commissioner District 2, and Roger Zins filed in Commissioner District 5.

In Redwood County, there will be elections in Commissioner Districts 1, 4, and 5, and Soil and Water Districts 2, 3, and 4. Current District 1 Commissioner Rick Wakefield, District 4 Commissioner Robert Van Hee and District 5 Commissioner David Forkrud have all filed for re-election.

In Yellow Medicine County, there will be elections in Commissioner Districts 3 and 5, and in Soil and Water Districts 1, 2, and 5. Current District 3 Commissioner Mitch Kling has filed for re-election. DeLon Clarksean filed in Soil and Water District 5.

Not all races up for election this fall have the same filing periods. For municipal and school board elections that do not hold primaries, the filing period will be open July 30 through August 13. U.S. presidential candidates also have a later filing deadline. This year, major parties will have until August 30 to submit their candidates, and non-major party candidates will have until Aug. 20 to submit nominating petitions to be reviewed by the Minnesota Secretary of State.


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