Lyon Co. OKs wastewater updates at fairgrounds
MARSHALL — After nearly 40 years, part of the sewer system at the Lyon County fairgrounds is at the end of its life. This week, Lyon County and Marshall city staff recommended that a sewage lift station be replaced.
“I think if we have the chance … it’s best to go ahead,” said Lyon County Environmental Administrator Roger Schroeder.
Lyon County commissioners approved a quote of about $42,000 to replace the lift station.
Schroeder and Roger Cauwels of the Marshall city wastewater department gave commissioners some of the history of the fairgrounds lift station. The lift station was built by the county and serves only county property, so it would be the county’s responsibility to replace, Schroeder said.
“That station was installed in 1987,” Cauwels said. He said the station was a low-flow one, that also serves buildings like the Lyon County shop, the county public works building, and the former ice arena building at the fairgrounds. However, “It’s pretty much at the end of its lifespan,” Cauwels said. “We thought it would be a good idea to get at this before we have a failure.”
Schroeder said the county had received three quotes for lift station improvements, with a low quote of $42,346.
Both Schroeder and Commissioner Todd Draper said the company that submitted the low quote, Hydro Tech, has done quality work for area communities in the past.
Schroeder said the cost of replacing the lift station wasn’t currently a budget item for county parks and fairgrounds. The county could defer the project until next year, or look for other ways to fund the lift station replacement.
Lyon County Administrator Loren Stomberg said the county did have some possible funding sources like contingency funds, as well as “a few remaining ARPA dollars,” or energy production tax funds that hadn’t been formally dedicated.
Draper moved that the county authorize the lift station replacement, and let Stomberg use his discretion on funding sources. Commissioners voted to approve the motion.