
Lyon Co. OKs $26,000 for new recycling bins

Quote includes 364 95-gallon carts

Photo by Deb Gau A stack of curbside recycling carts of different sizes —some awaiting repairs or replacements — are stored inside a Lyon County building.

MARSHALL — Lyon County has been trying to get the most out of its curbside recycling carts, but even so, the carts don’t last forever. County Environmental Administrator Roger Schroeder said a lot of recycling carts are getting switched out or repaired due to damage.

“Last year, we switched out 540 recycling carts, and added 65 to new residents,” Schroeder told Lyon County commissioners on Tuesday.

At their regular meeting, commissioners approved a quote of about $26,000 to purchase 364 new 95-gallon carts.

“This seems to be something that is going to be needed on an annual basis, to some degree or another,” Schroeder said. A majority of the recycling carts needing replacement had broken bodies. Schroeder said age was likely a factor in that situation — most of the carts were ones the county had bought used from Waste Management in 2009.

“They were probably near their life expectancy at that time, so we’re sneaking as much good use out of those carts as possible. But I think this is something that we’re going to need to continue to budget for in the next few years,” Schroeder said.

Schroeder presented commissioners with a quote of $26,401.84 from MacQueen Equipment for 364 new carts. He said that quantity of carts would have a delivery time of seven to eight weeks. Last year, the county had tried to place a smaller order of around 200 carts, but they ended up waiting six months for delivery, he said.

Funding for the new carts would come from solid waste assessment dollars, Schroeder said.

“These would not be from general levy dollars,” he said.

Commissioners asked Schroeder what happens to recycling carts that are too badly broken to use.

“We have someone that has been helping us with marketing our other recyclables. If we cut them up, he’ll take them and grind them for recycling,” Schroeder said.

If a recycling cart has less severe damage, Schroeder said the county will try to extend its life by replacing a broken lid or wheel. County residents with damaged recycling carts can contact the county environmental office to get them repaired or replaced, he said.


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