
A cool start at Aquatic Center

Pool activity steady; larger crowds expected when temps heat up

Photo by Mild Du Trenton Klenken jumps into the pool during open swim Monday at the Marshall Aquatic Center.

MARSHALL — In the first few days of the season, the Marshall Aquatic Center has had pretty steady attendance. However, it hasn’t been hot enough yet to really draw a crowd, Cam Bailey said.

The recreation coordinator at Marshall Community Services said pool staff were waiting for the temperature to hit 80 degrees or higher.

“That’s when everyone starts thinking of the pool,” he said.

The Aquatic Center had a soft opening over Memorial Day weekend, and its official seasonal opening was June 4.

During the soft opening May 29-30, “we averaged about 100 swimmers each day,” he said.

However, so far cooler temperatures have made it hard to keep the pool open into the evening hours.

Fortunately, temperatures into the 70s and 80s are in the 10-day forecast for Marshall, Bailey said.

Bailey said the Aquatic Center has had a lot of private reservations so far this year, and interest in swimming lessons has been very strong. He said MCS had a total of 291 swimmers registered for lessons, with more on a wait list.

“That’s a good high number,” he said.

Bailey said the Aquatic Center was also fortunate to have more than 20 lifeguards certified for this summer. He said recruiting for lifeguards started over the winter.

For more information on Aquatic Center hours, schedules and admission rates, call 507-537-6767, or go to the city of Marshall’s website at https://ci.marshall.mn.us/community_services.

If you go

Hours: Open swim 12:30-7:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday,

Youth Night 7:30-9 p.m. Monday and 12:30-6:15 p.m. Sunday,

Sunday Family Night 6:30-8 p.m.

(Marshall Aquatics staff reserves the right to adjust hours based on usage by swimmers or inclement weather.)

Admission and passes: Daily admission is $5. Wading pool pass (age 6 and under and adults) and lap swim pass (adults) is $3. Season passes are $70 for an individual, $100 for a family of 2-3, $110 for a family of 4, or $120 for a family of 5 or more.


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