
Saddle Horse Holiday is on in Lake Benton — with alterations

LAKE BENTON — All southwest Minnesota eyes may be on Lake Benton this week.

According to Lake Benton Area Chamber of Commerce Marketing Coordinator Karen Lichtsinn, the 74th annual Dakota-Minnesota 2020 Saddle Horse Holiday will be the first area festival this summer season.

“They will be looking to see what we do. Maybe they (other area communities) will follow our example to hold their events as well,” Lichtsinn said Monday. “The community is excited we are moving forward with the event.”

Lichtsinn said event organizers had to get creative because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Things will be scaled down this year, due to COVID-19, but we are looking forward to a few highlights during the Friday and Saturday events,”she said.

One of the unusual events will be the stationary parade to be held 5-6 p.m. Saturday. Floats and parade entries will be parked along Benton Street (on north side of the street). Spectator vehicles will drive by to view the floats. The vehicle line will start along Russell Zimmer Drive near the Hole in the Mountain Park starting at 5 p.m. No pedestrian traffic will be allowed on Benton Street during the parade.

The Citizen of the Year Parade will be another unusual event to be held at 7 p.m. Thursday. Cars will gather at the Fire Hall and then travel by the home. Lichtsinn said the Citizen of the Year knows about the award, but it will be a surprise to those driving by the home.

For the second straight year, a fireworks display will be held Friday night. The Miss Lake Benton crowning will be a private event held Wednesday. The Chamber chicken dinner will be held 5-6:30 p.m. Friday with a drive-up at the Fire Hall. Meals cost $10.


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