
The flip side for firefighters

Wood Lake Fire Department holds pancake feed to raise funds

Photo by Mike Lamb In the above photo,firefighter Brooks Torke checks the bottom of a pancake during the Wood Lake Fire Department Pancake Feed at the Community Center Sunday.

WOOD LAKE — Brooks Torke lifted the spatula up in the air and looked under the pancake. When it comes to pancakes, each one has to be just right for the Wood Lake Fire Department Pancake Feed at the Community Center.

“We try to make them as fresh as possible,” Torke said Sunday morning. He was one of several firefighters manning griddles.

“We don’t want to pre-make them because they get a little rubbery. Everything is done right behind the counter.”

Torke’s griddle was located at the window area of the community center kitchen. Griddles were lined up one after another behind Hustad.

Besides making tasty pancakes, the feed is an important mission for the Wood Lake firefighters.

“We do it because we don’t have much support from the state of Minnesota with the fire departments. We are trying to raise our own money to back grants,” Torke said.

He explained that the department receives money from the city of Wood Lake and the individual townships they also serve. But that funding doesn’t cover all the equipment and gear that is needed by the 22 members of the department.

“To just get the extra stuff, we’re trying to show the community we are willing to work for it and get it done,” Torke said. “The firemen are pretty young for the area. Half of them are under 25. We got a good young crew and we are trying to get good gear for all of them.”

Torke said the department hopes the pancake feed, in its third year, continues to grow. About 175 people were served this year, so Torke is hoping that number rises past 200 on Sunday.

“Just keep going, get bigger and bigger,” he said.


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