
Pathways to Clean Transportation workshop is June 11

Earlier this year in March, Mayor Bob Byrnes declared a state of emergency due to flooding in Marshall and surrounding towns. Flooding impacts transit systems such as roads and highways, farming practices, and sewer systems. Environmental crises such as flooding will continue impacting communities throughout Minnesota as climate change intensifies. Shifting toward clean energy in our transportation systems is a crucial step toward a stable climate.

In June, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be holding workshops around the state for residents to make their voices heard and share thoughts on ways that we can get to clean transportation, clean air and a stable climate.

On Tuesday, June 11, there will be two workshops in Marshall from 2:30-4:30 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. at Marshall Municipal Utilities, 113 S. 4th St. These workshops are an opportunity for members of the local and surrounding community to give feedback on how to move Minnesota forward toward a clean transportation future. Email emma.gb@mn350.org to learn more and sign up here to attend: https://mn350.org/events/mndot-clean-transit-workshop-marshall/


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